Quality System
The effectiveness of our Quality Management Systems implementation is periodically audited both by an external international audit body, and by our internal trained Quality Auditors.
The Company Quality Department functions independently and continuously monitor the effectiveness of the Quality Management Systems and guaranteeing a consistent level of product Quality and Reliability.
A dedicated team of professional Quality Control Engineers I Inspectors with a vast experience in the field ensures the product quality at the various stages of manufacturing, starting from receipt inspection to in process inspection and progressing till the final inspection of the product and its shipment as per the Standard Inspection and Test Program I Quality Plan.
All our special process inspections, such as fitting, welding and coating inspections are carried out by the well trained and qualified inspectors.
Non-Destructive Testing of welds are performed in house, such as Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Penetrant Testing (PT) and Visual Testing (VT) by our inspectors, who are qualified and certified to American Society of Non-Destructive Testing -ASNT Level II requirements.
Radiographic Testing (RT) when specified is done through any reputed independent testing laboratory.
MS Steel Top Management is highly committed to continual improvement of its quality systems and product, delivery and services systems, with the primary objective of achieving the maximum Customers Satisfaction. This goal is achieved by a thorough periodical review of the monthly statistical quality control reports, quality audit reports and customer feedback reports etc., from the QA and Marketing Departments respectively.
Quality Plan
The Standard Inspection and Test Program - ITP and Quality Plan are strictly followed to ensure that the processes and product quality requirements are met:
- ITP is a Quality Control document containing details of inspection I testing to be carried out at specific stages of manufacturing, outlining the procedures, specification and codes references to be followed and listing the respective inspection forms reference to be completed or reported
- Standard ITP: See the copy
- Special ITP: If requested at the time of contract negotiation then the standard ITP can be modified to suit the client's additional project requirements to be
- Quality Plan: Contains all the required quality control procedures and inspection The various codes and standards as a minimum followed in the ITP is as stated below:
MBMA Metal Building Manufactures Association
UBC Uniform Building Code
AISC American Institute of steel construction
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS D1.1ID1.3 Structure welding Codes
SSPC Steel Structure Painting Council
Training & Certifications
Quality Staff:
Quality Control staff Inspectors and the Manager possess all the skills required through training and certification by international examination bodies in their respective field of inspection and testing:
- Quality engineers:
- ASNT Level II (RT, UT, MT, & PT).
- Quality Inspectors:
- ASNT Level, & Level II (RT, UT, MT, & PT).
- Paints
- Welders and Welding Operators:
- All our welders and welding operators are qualified by external certification agency ( AL-Hoty& TUV) and they are subjected to periodically audit every 6 Quality control ensures that only the qualified welders and welding operators are on the job.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT):
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- DYE Penetrate Testing Equipment (PT)
In process Inspection:
- Micrometers
- Vernier Callipers ‘Digital’
- Welding gauges.
- Calibrated measuring tapes
- Coatings:
- Digital coating surface gauge 'Eicometer 116'
- Digital Dew Meter 'Eicometer 319'
- Cross Hatch Cutter 'Eicometer 107'
The MS H&S mission is to adapt our systems and practices to meet the requirements of international markets. We pay special attention to safety to achieve zero accident.
MS Steel management is committed to establish throughout the entire Organization the concept that people and property are our most important assets, and the understanding thereof has the management’s highest priority, support and participation.
Ms Steel management is committed to, and accountable for, implementing, maintaining, measuring and improving the health and safety programs of the company. Set measurable targets and seek to continually improve our health and safety performance.
Specifically, it is the policy of MS to:
- Observe all internationally accepted safety measures and other civil defense regulations enforced in Saudi Arabia for the protection of its staff and contractor’s employees, the lives and health of other people and to prevent any damages to property, equipment, materials and furnishing, and to avoid interruption of the execution of work.
- Regard the “Safety Program” as the Office’s minimum standards which will be an integral part of all our operations.
- To let the Contractor maintain their employees a continuing awareness of safety habits and techniques through periodical training and safety meetings and through constant supervision.
- To let the Contractor provide employees and visitors with necessary and approved personal protective equipment, such as safety helmets, safety shoes and working uniform and enforce its use.
- To let the Contractor comply with the requirements of the appropriate standards and codes applicable to the nature of work as they pertain to safe and healthy working conditions on a project.
- To let the Contractor respond promptly to any recommendation submitted with respect to safety or fire protection.
- To let the Contractor not tolerate indifference or hostility on the part of any employee towards safety.
- Follow the Kingdom’s Health and Labor Law for site medical facilities, clinics, doctors/nurses, etc.
MS is committed to maintain safety management systems that meet all requirements and are integrated into our business activities. We will continually provide a healthy and safe environment for our employees, our customers and the public.
"Safety for all "must be embraced by everyone. All staff who have direct control of activities that affect safety are to demonstrate safety explicitly in their execution of these activities.